פרופ' ברק אריאל



פרסומים  מאמרים


רוזמן, נ' ואריאל ב. (2017). היקף תופעת הקורבנות לאלימות פיסית בין בני זוג: סקירה שיטתית וניתוח-על. מגמות, נב (2). 7-44.



Ariel, B. (2016). "The Effect of Police Body-Worn Videos on Use of Force, Complaints and Arrests in Large Police Departments". Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 106(1)


Ariel, B., Sutherland, A., Henstock, D., Young, J., Drover, P., Sykes, J., Megicks, S., and Henderson, R. (2016). "'Contagious Accountability' A Global Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effect of Police Body-Worn Cameras on Citizens’ Complaints Against the Police". Criminal Justice and Behavior.


Ariel, B. and Partridge, H. (2016). "Predictable Policing: Measuring the Crime Control Benefits of Hot spots Policing at Bus Stops". Journal of Quantitative Criminology.


Ariel, B. (2016). ‘The puzzle of police body cams’. IEEE Spectrum, 53(7): 32–37


Ariel, B., Sutherland, A., Henstock, D., Young, J., Drover, P., Sykes, J., Megicks, S., and Henderson, R. (2016). "Increases in police use-of-force in the presence of body-worn cameras are driven by officer discretion: a protocol-based sub-group analysis". Journal of Experimental Criminology, 12(3): 453–463


Ariel, B., Sutherland, A., Henstock, D., Young, J., Drover, P., Sykes, J., Megicks, S., and Henderson, R. (2016). "Wearing Body-Cameras Increases Assaults Against Officers and Does Not Reduce Police Use of Force: Results From A Global Multisite Experiment". European Journal of Criminology


Ariel, B., Weinborn, C., and Sherman, L. (2016). "Soft policing at hot spots–does it work? A randomized controlled trial". Journal of Experimental Criminology, 12(7): 277–317


Ariel, B. (2016). "Increasing Cooperation With The Police Using Body Worn Cameras". Police Quarterly, 19(3): 326–362



Ariel, B. (2016). "Body-Worn Cameras Cause a Reduction of More Than 90% in Complaints against Police Officers. In View: Commentary from BWC Experts.  Body Worn Cameras Training & Technical Assistance". [http://bwctta.com/resources/commentary/view-commentary-bwc-experts-1]


Ariel, B. (2016). "Technology in policing: The case for body-worn cameras and digital evidence". The Police Chief, 83(3), 27–42


Ariel, B., Tobby-Alimi, I., Cohen, I., Ben-Ezra, M., Cohen, Y., and Sosinski, G. (2015). "Employment Discrimination in Low-Wage and High-Wage Markets: Randomized Controlled Trials using Correspondence Tests". Law & Ethics of Human Rights, 9(1): 113–139



Ariel, B., Farrar, T., and Sutherland, A. (2015). "The Effect of Police Body-Worn Cameras on Use-Of-Force and Citizens’ Complaints against the Police: A Randomized Controlled Trial". Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 31(3): 509–535



Ariel, B., Weinborn, C., and Boyle, A. (2015). "Can routinely collected ambulance data about assaults contribute to community-violence reduction?" Journal of Emergency Medicine, 32: 308–313 


Ariel, B. (2015). "The Experimental Criminologist". The Experimental Criminologist (November 2015)


Bland, M. and Ariel, B. (2015). "Targeting Escalation in Reported Domestic Abuse: Evidence From 36,000 Callouts". International Criminal Justice Review, 25(1): 30–53


Drover, P. and Ariel, B. (2015). "Leading an Experiment in Police Body-Worn Video Cameras", International Criminal Justice Review, 25(1): 80–97



Kus, S. and Ariel, B. (2016). "Crime on the bus: High Crime Bus Routes in London 2008-2013". City Security, Winter 2016 issue, 31



Robb, P., Coupe, T., and Ariel, B. (2015). "'Solvability' and detection of metal theft on railway property". European Journal on Criminal Policy & Research, 21(4): 463–484


Sherman, L. W., Strang, H., Mayo-Wilson, E., Woods, D., and Ariel, B. (2015). "Are Restorative Justice Conferences Effective in Reducing Repeat Offending? Findings from a Campbell Systematic Review". Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 31(1): 1–24



Sutherland, A. and Ariel, B. (2016) "Body worn cameras: technology meets complexity". International Council of Police Representative Associations (ICPRA), December 2016


Sutherland, A. and Ariel, B. (2016). "How Body Cameras Curbed Police Use of Force in Rialto: Monitoring of Police-Community Interactions Can Improve Behavior and Ease Tension". Zócalo Public Square