Dagan, N. & Sabato, D. (2022). The dual face of confession in Jewish law. Tel-Aviv University Journal of Jewish Law (equal contribution).
Dagan, N. (2022). Human rights, aging and imprisonment. Social Security.
Dagan, N. (2021). Parole as resentencing. European Journal of Criminology.
Dagan, N. and Baron, S. (2021). After the Gavel Falls: Rethinking the relationship between sentencing and prison functions. Criminal Law & Philosophy.
Dagan, N. (2021). Two concepts of prison purposes. Hebrew University Journal of Legislation.
Zimarn, A. & Dagan, N. (2021). Remedies for State agents’ misconduct in criminal law. Hebrew University Law Review.
Dagan, N. & Shalev, S. (2021). The role of Israeli judges in authorising solitary confinement placements. Punishment & Society.
Dagan, N. (2021). Overcoming penal boundaries: Exploring retributive time through parole decision-making. British Journal of Criminology.
Dagan, N. & Efodi, R. (2021). Rehabilitating ex-prisoners: History and policy. Society & Welfare.
Dagan, N. (2020). Prison discipline, additional days and the feasibility of penal communication. Social & Legal Studies.
Bülow, W. & Dagan N. (2020). The role of furlough and visitation within a retributivist framework. Punishment & Society.
Dagan, N. (2020). Contrasting judicial conceptions of imprisonment purposes in the ECtHR and the Supreme Court of the U.S.. Criminology & Criminal Justice.
Dagan, N. & Roberts, J.V. (2019). Retributivism, penal censure, and life imprisonment without parole. Criminal Justice Ethics, 39(1), 1-18.
Dancig-Rosenberg, H. & Dagan, N. (2019). Retributarianism: A new individualization of punishment. Criminal Law & Philosophy, 13, 129-147 (equal contribution).
Dagan, N. & Dancig-Rosenberg, H. (2019). Soft desert. Haifa University Law Review 21, 1-43.
Dagan, N. (2016). Balancing sentencing and parole. Bar-Ilan University Law Review 30, 73-127.
Dagan, N., & Segev, D. (2015). Retributive whisper: Communicative elements in parole. Law & Social Inquiry, 40, 611-630.
Dagan, N. (2015). Exploring prison law neglect. Tel-Aviv University Journal of Law & Social Change.
Dagan, N. (2015). The influence of plea bargain on parole decision-making process. Hebrew University Journal on Legislation, 6, 111-147.
Dagan N. & Baron S. (2022). Mercy, sentencing and algorithms. In Principled sentencing and artificial intelligence (J.V. Roberts & J. Ryberg eds.). Oxford: OUP.
Dagan N. (2022). Rehabilitation: Welfare, reform or risk. In Justice Naor Festschrift.
Dagan N. (2021). Imprisonment in modern Jewish law: Between penology and ideology. In Justice Elykim Rubinstein Festschrift (Eds., Biton M. et al.).
Dagan, N. & Dancig-Rosenberg H. (2020). Character retribution as a brake on risk-driven criminal justice. In: Criminal justice, risk and the revolt against uncertainty (Pratt, J. & Anderson J.). Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 69-89.
Roberts J. & Dagan N. (2019). The evolution of retributive punishment: From just deserts to responsive penal censure. In: A. du Bois-Pedain & A. Bottoms (eds.) Penal censure: Engagements within and beyond desert theory pp. 141-159 Oxford: Hart (equal contribution).
Dagan N. & Kannai R. (2017). Multiple offending sentencing and proportionality. In: Justice Edmond Levi Festschrift (ed., O. Gordon et al.). Nevo. 613-656.