Perry, G., Jonathan-Zamir, T., and Factor, R. (forthcoming) The Long-Term Effects of Policing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Public Attitudes Toward the Police in the "New Normal". Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice.
Jonathan-Zamir, T. and Perry, G. (2021) Procedural Justice in Israeli Policing: What We Know and What We Need to Know. Law, Society and Culture (special issue: police and Policing; in Hebrew)
Jonathan-Zamir, T. and Perry, G. (2021) A Landmark in the Study of Proactive Policing: Commentary on Proactive Policing: Effects on Crime and Communities. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies.
Perry, G., and Jonathan-Zamir, T. (2020) Expectations, Effectiveness, Trust, and Cooperation: Public Attitudes Toward the Israel Police During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 14(4), 1073-1091 https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paaa060.
Jonathan-Zamir, T., Perry, G., and Weisburd, D. (2020) Illuminating the Concept of Community (Group)-Level Procedural Justice: A Qualitative Analysis of Protestors’ Group-Level Experiences with the Police. Criminal Justice and Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093854820983388
Perry, G. (2020) Promoting protesters’ compliance: The effect of general perceptions of the police vs. police actions. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 15(2), 1245-1261.
Hasisi, B., Margalioth, Y., Jonathan-Zamir, T., Perry, G., Zamir, R., and Haviv, N. (2020) Mitigating the Consequences of Invasive Security Practices: A Quasi-Experimental Study in an Israeli Airport. Journal of Experimental Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11292-020-09424-z.
Perry, S., Hasisi, B., and Perry, G. (2019) Lone terrorists: A study of run-over attacks in Israel. European Journal of Criminology, 16(1), 102-123.
Perry, G., and Hasisi, B. (2018) Closing the Gap: Promoting Suspect Communities’ Cooperation with Airport Security. Terrorism and Political Violence, 1-20.
Perry, G., Wikström, P.O.H., and Roman, G.D. (2018) Differentiating right-wing extremism from potential for violent extremism: The role of criminogenic exposure. International Journal of Developmental Science, 12(1-2), 103-113.
Perry, S., Hasisi, B., and Perry, G. (2017) Who is the lone terrorist? A study of vehicle-borne attackers in Israel and the West Bank. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-15.
Perry, G., Jonathan-Zamir, T., and Weisburd, D. (2017) The Effect of Paramilitary Protest Policing on Protestors’ Trust in the Police: The Case of the “Occupy Israel” Movement. Law and Society Review, 51(3), 602-634.
Perry, Gali, Tal Jonatha-Zamir, and David Weisburd (2017). "The Effect of Paramilitary Protest Policing on Protestor's Trust in the Police: The Case of the "Occupy Israel" Movement. Law and Society Review 51(3): 602-634.
Shechory, M., Perry, G., and Addad, M. (2011) Pathways to women’s crime: Differences between women convicted for drug, violence and fraud offenses. The Journal of Social Psychology, 151(4), 399-416.
Perry, G., Shechory, M., and Addad, M. (2011) Neuroticism, Psychoticism and extroversion as distinguishing factors between different types of female delinquency. Glimpse into prison, 14, 58-71 (In Hebrew).